59 Results
Simple studio apartment for rent in Ixelles, Brussels
700 € / month
Chaussée de Waterloo - Waterloosesteenweg 684, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
1 room
Apartment with 1 bedroom for rent in Uccle, Brussels
800 € / month
Avenue Winston Churchill - Winston Churchilllaan 202, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Studio apartment for rent in Uccle, Brussels
680 € / month
Institut Montjoie, Avenue Montjoie - Montjoielaan, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Relaxing room in 2-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
630 € / month
Avenue Brugmann - Brugmannlaan 427, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Flatshare Brussels - 139m2 - 5 bedrooms - Tram 7
750 € / month
Rue du Roetaert - Roetaertstraat 32, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Room for rent in a residence in Uccle, Brussels
795 € / month
Avenue Winston Churchill - Winston Churchilllaan 83, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Room for rent in 11-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
Rue Beeckman - Beeckmanstraat 98, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Charming "North Sea" bedroom in Uccle with garden
580 € / month
Rue Alphonse Asselbergs - Alphonse Asselbergsstraat 15, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Furnished room in 3-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
600 € / month
Avenue Coghen - Coghenlaan, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
1 chambre meublée en colocation (douche et wc privés)
780 € / month
Maison communale d'Uccle - Gemeentehuis van Ukkel, Place Jean Vander Elst - Jean Vander Elstplein 29, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Quartier Uccle Vanderkindere belle chambre dans colocation
Studio in Elsene
Chaussée de Waterloo - Waterloosesteenweg 668, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Room in shared apartment in Brussels
550 € / month
Rue de Nieuwenhove - de Nieuwenhovestraat 16, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Rooms for rent in 12-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
610 € / month
Avenue Brugmann - Brugmannlaan 408, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium