59 Results
Room in shared apartment in Uccle
610 € / month
Avenue Coghen - Coghenlaan 270, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
1 room
Studio apartment for rent in Uccle, Brussels
700 € / month
Sentier de la Source Laineuse - Wollenborrepad, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
600 € / month
Maison communale d'Uccle - Gemeentehuis van Ukkel, Place Jean Vander Elst - Jean Vander Elstplein 29, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
4 rooms
Charming studio apartment for rent in Ixelles, Brussels
Rue De Praetere - De Praeterestraat 51, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Flat to rent : Chaussee d'alsemberg, 1180 Uccle, Ukkel on Realo
545 € / month
Chaussée d'Alsemberg - Alsembergsesteenweg 678, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Studio à louer
750 € / month
Chaussée de Waterloo - Waterloosesteenweg 815, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Room for rent in a residence in Uccle, Brussels
790 € / month
Rue Marie Depage - Marie Depagestraat 3, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
680 € / month
Pâtisserie de la Cambre, Avenue Montjoie - Montjoielaan, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Furnished room in shared apartment in Uccle, Brussels
495 € / month
Avenue Brugmann - Brugmannlaan 540, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Lovely studio with terrace and unobstructed vie
Rue Dodonée - Dodonéestraat 117, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Rooms for rent in 12-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
550 € / month
Avenue Brugmann - Brugmannlaan 451, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Flat to rent : Rue klipveld, 1180 Uccle, Ukkel on Realo
Rue Klipveld - Klipveldstraat 47, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Sunny studio in a house with garden in Uccle
690 € / month
Rue Alphonse Asselbergs - Alphonse Asselbergsstraat 36, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Interior room in apartment in Uccle, Brussels
580 € / month
Rue Alphonse Asselbergs - Alphonse Asselbergsstraat 26, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
Inviting room in 2-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
Avenue Brugmann - Brugmannlaan 427, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
apartment at 1180 Uccle Brussels, Belgium
1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
595 € / month
Equipped room in 3-bedroom apartment in Uccle, Brussels
650 € / month
Avenue Coghen - Coghenlaan, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium
800 € / month
Rue Marie Depage - Marie Depagestraat 9, 1180 Uccle - Ukkel, Belgium